Just Call Me Internet
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LED 1.46
A FidoNet Message Editor
All versions of this program before 1.23 were written by
Roland Bohn and Volkmar Wieners.
All versions from 1.23 on were written by Stephan Slabihoud
Manual edited by Antony Lacey
September 20th, 1996
LED is shareware, please support the shareware concept.
If you have any comments about the program, please contact the author,
Stephan Slabihoud by Netmail or in ST_FIDO.GER , N.SUP.LED, or
Notes about this Manual.
If you have any comments about the manual or the HyperText guide, please
contact the editor, Antony Lacey at 90:102/146 or in the N.SUP.LED or
A.SUP.LED (Atarinet) Echoes. E-mail on algy@allatsea.demon.co.uk
The Hypertext file contains the same information as the Manual. I
decided to do both as some people prefer a manual, and some the .HYP
file. Now you can use whichever you prefer.
The manual covers version 1.46 of LED.
It does not fully cover earlier versions of the program, and
some of the options described in it may not be available in previous
versions of LED.
Please Note:
i) In this manual all key presses are enclosed in < > brackets,
where more than one key is needed they are placed next to each other
e.g <ALT><A> means ALTERNATE and A key must be pressed together.
ii) The left/right arrow keys below the help button are shown as <-,
-> and the up and down arrow keys will be called cur up and cur down.
iii) Menu Options with '...', e.g 'About...' after them indicate that
a Dialog Box/Window will be opened or the File Selector will be shown.
Options without this will execute immediately.
New features in this version of LED are marked [NEW] so you can
find them easily.
1) General Information.
Led is an editor for FidoNet messages for the Atari ST & Falcon
range of computers. It allows you to read, edit and write messages
which are imported / exported by your mailer software.
If you are not familiar with your mailer software, please consult
the documents that came with it as this manual deals only with LED.
2) Files Needed.
To use LED you must have the following files ... (LED will not run
without these files).
LED.PRG The program file
LED.RSC The resource file. This can be placed in the
same folder as LED.PRG or in the LED system
LED.CFG, or Binkleyterm's or LED's own configuration file.
LED.CFG must be placed in the LED system
AREAS.BBS List of areas, This should already exist with
your mailer software. IOSmail/Jetmail/Marsmail
LED.LNG This is the language file. It contains the
text for all the dialog boxes etc.
You may also use the following files ...
LED.SCT A file containing a list of Shortcut text for
use with CONTROL-F1 feature. This list can be
changed using an ASCII text editor. See
the example in the Help menu section.
LED.FLN A file containing Footlines to use with the
Random Footline feature. See Appendix E
for the file format.
LED.NIC A file containing nicknames. Available for
Registered users only. See Appendix F for
more information on this feature.
LED will also create the following files if needed ...
LED.FKY This contains any text programmed into the
function keys and is generated when the list
is saved.
LED.NEW This contains the last-read pointers for each
area and the new/unread/to sysop message
pointers. This can be edited by an ASCII text
editor if desired.
LED.OPT This contains LED options, number and position
of open windows, and fonts selected when LED
exits. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be
created by LED and can be saved on every exit
if desired.
LED.DLG Contains the co-ordinates of the flying
LED.LOG If there are problems, this log will be
LED.PRN This is a printer driver for LED and allows
character conversion when printing. If this
file is not present LED will use GDOS for
Note: If this file is missing or if not all of the
text effects are defined, then no text effects
can be printed.
This will be shown in the Sysyem Report.
NOTE: LED expects to find all but the following files in a Directory
named LED.
LED.NEW may be in the LED directory or in the same directory as
the AREAS.BBS file. If it is in the LED directory,
IOSMail, Jetmail etc. will not update this file.
From Jetmail 0.99beta21 on, Jetmail can use it in the
LED folder as well.
LED.LOG may be in a different directory as long as this is
defined in LED.CFG using Logfile.
You can now keep the LED folder in various places. These are as
below, with the highest priority at the top :-
a) As defined by the Environment LED
(this MUST have the folder name at the end)
b) As defined by the Environment FIDOCONFDIR (as now used by
Binkleyterm and Jetmail)
(The LED folder will need to be inside the CONFIGS folder)
c) When $FIDOCONFDIR does not exist, LED tries to find its
config folder in .\CONFIG
d) If none of the above are defined, LED looks a folder
called LED in the directory where it was started from.
3) Starting the program.
If LED cannot find the configuration file(s), the langauge
file, or AREAS.BBS it will not run. They .CFG must be in the LED
folder, but AREAS.BBS can be in a seperate directory as long as it
is specified in the .CFG file by the MAILERPATH command, or
defined with the environment setting MAILER or BINKLEY.
If you are having problems with Binkley's configuration file,
please read the Binkley documentation.
If you are having problems with LED.CFG please see Appendix C at
the end of this manual.
Double click on LED.PRG and the program will open a window showing
the last read message. If it is the first time the program has run, no
window will be open.
The first open window will be a Message Window and can be scrolled,
resized as necessary using the sliders/size box etc. as a normal GEM
window. More about this window later.
4) Menu Functions.
Next to most menu options there is a keyboard shortcut option
shown. They are included in the descriptions below next to the menu
e.g <CTRL><I> (Control and I keys together) will show information
about LED.
a) About... <CTRL><I>
This is a short information box about LED and includes an option to
add your registration Key. Running LED without the key will restrict the use
of some features. It also adds a delay when starting and ending LED.
Support the Shareware concept, register your copy of LED.
Start these as you would normally from the GEM desktop.
II) File.
a) Read ASCII... <ALT><R>
Import an ASCII text file to the current cursor position in an
Edit Window only. When selected the file selector will be shown to
choose the file.
b) Write ASCII... <ALT><W>
One or more messages can be written to a file in ASCII format. A
dialog box is displayed where you can choose/change the message
number(s) to be exported in this way. Click on OK and the file
selector will be shown to choose the destination path/name. The text
will include header information as shown below:-
Msg #11 / 1-14 Time: 28 Mar 95 01:26:12
From: Antony Lacey on 90:102/146
To : Stephan Slabihoud on 90:400/410
Subj: Led 1.27
Hiya Stephan,
I forgot to mention in my previous message ....
If a block of text has been selected, this can be written
instead of the whole message.
c) Append ASCII... <ALT><A>
The message(s) chosen will be appended to an existing ASCII file
with the header information as above intact for each message. The file
selector will be shown to choose the destination file on the first
occasion, but if a file has already been chosen then the message will
automatically be appended to the previously selected file.
A block can be chose in the same way as for Write ASCII.
d) Read Binary...
This will read a binary file (uue-coded) into the current
message at the current cursor position. The maximum file size is approx.
48 Kb. The file selector will be called to select the file.
Remember! Too big and your messages may not be exported.
e) Write Binary...
This will write a uuencoded message to be written to your disk
as a binary file. The file selector will be called to select the
path to write the file to.
If the message is split over several messages, a Dialog box
will ask if you want to add further uuencoded messages or abort
the process.
f) Write Plain... <SHIFT><ALT><W>
The message(s) will be written to an ASCII file the same as Write
ASCII except the header information will not be included. Example:-
Hiya Stephan,
I forgot to mention in my previous message ....
This can be useful if you want to export a message which has been
split into several parts, or UUE coded messages. The fileselector is
shown to choose the destination path/file.
g) Append Plain... <SHIFT><ALT><A>
The same as Append ASCII except again no message header information
is written.
h) Read Clipboard <ALT><L>
When in an Edit Window, text from the clipboard will be inserted at
the present cursor position.
i) Write Clipboard <ALT><B>
The current message will be written to the clipboard. Any program
which uses the clipboard can then use the message text.
j) TOS Shell <ALT><Z>
Start the TOS shell which is defined in LED.CFG. This must also
be defined by the Environment variable SHELL for this to work
k) Execute... <ALT><E>
When selected the file selector will be shown and any TOS or GEM
program can be run. When you have finished with the chosen program LED
will start again automatically and read the configuration file.
This means you can change the configuration file with a
text-editor, save it, and when LED starts again it will use any
changes straight away provided the text editor was run in the above
l) Quit <CTRL><Q>
This will exit LED and return to the desktop.
If the Rescue Lastread switch is set (see under Options) the LED
will save all the new/unread/msg to sysop pointers for each area to
LED.NEW before quitting. If the file does not exist, LED will create
If the save always LED.OPT switch is set, the number of open
windows, their positions, the selected fonts and all other options
will be saved to LED.OPT. Again, if the file doesn't exist, LED will
create it.
III) Area.
a) Open... <CTRL><O>
Open a Message Window. This will show the Arealist Dialog
box/Window depending on which you use, (See under Options) from where
you can choose the area to be opened.
The Arealist Dialog box will list the areas as defined in your
AREAS.BBS file. (See Appendix A for AREAS.BBS information). The
areas will be listed in columns of fifteen areas, and sixty on one
page. If you have more than 60 areas, a second page will be used
for extra areas, a third for over 120 etc.
To choose the area you want to view, use the cursor keys or the
mouse. A left click on the mouse, or <RETURN> will select the
highlighted area and open a Message Window for that area. The cursor
keys will wrap at the end of rows and columns, so if you move the
cursor to the bottom of a column and press <cur down> again, the
cursor will move to the top of the next column.
With over 60 areas, there will be a small right arrow in the bottom
right of the Dialog Box pointing to the next page. Click on this with
the mouse, or use <SHIFT>< -> > to move to the next page. If you have
more than 120 areas, the middle page(s) will have a right and left
arrow. Just click with the mouse or use <SHIFT>< -> > or <SHIFT>< <- >
to move between the pages.
The Arealist Window is similar except all the areas are in one
column. If you have '...use description' on in the Options, then the
description as defined in AREAS.BBS will be shown next to each area.
Using <SHIFT><cur up/cur down> will move up and down the areas, or use
the mouse on the scroll bars in the window.
The following keys may be used in the Arealist Window / Dialog box:
(Options marked * are ONLY available in the Window, NOT the dialog box)
<UNDO> - Close Window
<CLR HOME> - Start of list
<SHIFT><CLR HOME> - End of list
<RETURN> - Select highlighted Area
<cur up/cur down> - Line up/down
< <-/-> > - Line left/right (up/down in window)
<BACKSPACE> * - Scroll window up
<SPACE> * - Scroll window down
<SHIFT><cur up/cur down> - Scroll window up/down
<SHIFT>< <-/-> > - Scroll window left/right
<CTRL><A> * - Change area
<CTRL><I> * - Info about LED
<CTRL><O> * - Open another area
<CTRL><P> * - Print Arealist
<CTRL><Q> * - Quit LED
<CTRL><U> * - Close Window
<CTRL><W> * - Cycle through open windows
<ALT><B> * - Write Arealist to Clipboard
<ALT><C> * - Change Msg
<ALT><E> * - Execute external Program
<ALT><J> * - Select Windows in Options menu
<ALT><N> * - Select Quotes in Options menu
<ALT><O> * - Select Switches in Options menu
<ALT><S> * - Save options
<ALT><U> * - Search for a User
<ALT><Y> * - Select User Lists in Options menu
<ALT><Z> * - Execute Shell
<ALT><Fn> (F1 to F10) * - Execute Shell Fn
<ALT><8> - 8 point font
<ALT><9> - 9 point font
<ALT><0> - 10 point font
In the Arealist Dialog box, if you press a letter <a-z> the next
area starting with that letter will be selcted, in the Arealist
Window you can do the same, but also if you then type another
character any area starting with both will be selected.
e.g If you press N, any area starting with N will be highlighted,
<TAB> will switch to the next area starting with N .... now press
. and the first area starting with N. will be highlighted, again
<TAB> will go to the next one ...
You can only have four windows open at any one time, and if you try to
open a fifth, you will see a dialog box advising you there are no more
windows available. Close one or more and try again.
If there is already a window open for the area you choose, it will
be made the active window, another window will not be opened.
If you have four windows open, you can still use the Arealist
Window and MsgList window as these are seperate to the four windows
mentioned above!
At the top of the Message Window is the Status or Information line.
This shows information about Options selected from within LED. It is
divided into five 'boxes' by the | character.
In the left box will be one or more of the following in brackets ...
First will be:
HC This will show if the Header Cache is selected in the Options
Then one of the following 3:
RC Will show if the Recognise ^CHRS kludge is set.
MI Will show if the Convert MIME style is set.
RM Will show if both Recognise ^CHRS and Convert MIME style
are set.
Then lastly:
TE Will show if Text Effects are being used.
In the second box it will show one of three things.
i) Original Msg if this is the only message or first in a thread.
ii) Reply to: xxx where xxx is the number of any messages (it may
include more than one message) that this message is a reply to.
iii) ? if the original message has been deleted from your message
In the third box the number of the current message will be shown in
bold text. This box will also contain the numbers of any messages
to the same person in the current thread.
In the fourth will be Replies: along with the number of any replies
to the current message.
In the last will be one of two things.
i) Start of Messages. This is the first message in this area.
There may be deleted messages in the message area before the
current message, but these are not taken into account.
ii) End of Messages. This is the last message in this area. Again,
any deleted messages will not be counted.
If you click the left mouse button on one of the message numbers
(apart from the current message) you will move to that message.
Pressing help in the Message Window will show the LED.HYP file.
In the Message Window the following Key combinations can be used:-
(NUM indicates keys on the number keypad)
<-,-> - previous/next Msg
<p>,<n> - previous/next unread Msg
cur up/cur down - line up / down
<1 - 9> - goto msg nnnn (NOT from the number
NUM <->,<+> - prev/next area
NUM <*> - next area with new Msg
NUM </> - next area with unread Msg
<#> - next area with Msg to sysop
NUM <(>,<)> - prev/next Comment (Msg with same subject)
NUM <CNTRL><(>,<CNTRL><)> - prev/next original Msg
NUM <1> - previous unread Msg
NUM <2> - first Comment from Original Msg
NUM <3> - next unread Msg
NUM <4> - previous Comment
NUM <5> - first message of this thread
NUM <6> - next Comment
NUM <8> - Original Msg
<ESC> - Reread Msg header
<RETURN> - Display next Msg
<SPACE> - Display next Msg
<BACKSPACE> - Display previous page
<CLR HOME> - Goto Top of Msg
<HELP> - Call ST Guide
<UNDO> - Redraw MsgWindow
<cur up/cur down> - Cursor up/down one line
< <-/-> > - Display previous/next Msg
<SHIFT><cur up/cur down> - Screen up/down one page
<SHIFT>< <-/-> > - Screen left/right
<SHIFT><J> - Quote to area
<SHIFT><T> - Quote Msg
<SHIFT><X> - Toggle the Locked flag
<SHIFT><CLR HOME> - Goto End of Msg
<SHIFT><ALT><A> - Append Plain
<SHIFT><ALT><H> - Edit Header
<SHIFT><ALT><W> - Write Plain
<CTRL><A> - Change area
<CTRL><E> - Enter Msg
<CTRL><F> - Foreward Msg
<CTRL><G> - Goto Msg
<CTRL><H> - Delete Flags
<CTRL><I> - Info about LED
<CTRL><J> - Quote to another area
<CTRL><K> - Set Flags
<CTRL><L> - List Messages (in Dialog or Window as set)
<CTRL><M> - Move Msg
<CTRL><N> - Quote to Netmail (native language)
<CTRL><O> - Open another area
<CTRL><P> - Print Message
<CTRL><Q> - Quit LED
<CTRL><R> - Reply to Msg
<CTRL><T> - Quote Msg in reply
<CTRL><U> - Close Window
<CTRL><W> - Cycle through open windows
<CTRL><RETURN> - Kill current Msg
<CTRL><F1> - Show Schortcut file (LED.SCT)
<CTRL><F2> - Short MsgInfo
<CTRL><F3> - Delete all messages in the current area
<CTRL><F4> - Select Command Dialog
<CTRL><F5> - Change Sysop Name
<CTRL><F6> - Sort Headerfile by date (this area only)
<CTRL><F7> - Print Msg with Formfeed
<CTRL><F8> - Set Lastread pointer to maximum (this area only)
<CTRL><F9> - Set ALL Lastread pointers to maximum
<CTRL><F10> - Delete all unread / to sysop flags
<ALT><A> - Append ASCII
<ALT><B> - Write to Clipboard
<ALT><C> - Change Msg
<ALT><E> - Execute external Program
<ALT><F> - Find string
<ALT><G> - Find next (string as defined in Alt F)
<ALT><H> - Edit Header Flags
<ALT><J> - Select Windows in Options menu
<ALT><N> - Select Quotes in Options menu
<ALT><O> - Select Switches in Options menu
<ALT><P> - Add to user list
<ALT><S> - Save options
<ALT><U> - Search for a User
<ALT><W> - Write ASCII
<ALT><Y> - Select User Lists in Options menu
<ALT><Z> - Execute Shell
<ALT><Fn> (F1 to F10) - Execute Shell Fn
<ALT><1> - Toggle MIME recognition
<ALT><2> - Show Text attributes (text effects on/off)
<ALT><3> - Recognise ^CHAR kludge
<ALT><4> - Show ^MSGID / ^REPLY / ^REPLYTO
<ALT><5> - Show ^EID / ^PID / ^TID
<ALT><6> - Show ^PATH
<ALT><7> - Show ^SEENBY
<ALT><8> - Show Comment Tree
<ALT><9> - 9 point font
<ALT><0> - 10 point font
<ALT><RETURN> - Kill all messages with the same subject
or by the same person
If you double click on a word/filename contained in a message
(e.g in the File Find echoes) then LED will now ask you if this is
to be entered into the file request box (see Extras menu) or searched
for in the HyperText file.
If you press and hold <ALT> and click on an address, a Dialog
box will show you information about that address, i.e the Sysop's
name, System name, Place, Phone number and nodelist flags.
If the address is an unlisted Point address, then the Boss
system's information will be shown.
If you press and hold <CTRL> and click on a word, LED will
search the LED.SCT and display all matches in a Dialog box.
b) Change... <CTRL><A>
This will show the Arealist and allows you to choose a new area.
Once chosen, it will show any messages in the new area in the existing
active window. In effect, it closes the previous area and opens the
new, but only uses one window.
c) Cycle... <CTRL><W>
This will show each of the open windows in turn. If there are less
than two open windows the option is disabled.
d) Close... <CTRL><U>
This will close the current active window. This is the same as
clicking on the GEM Close box in the top left of the window.
MagiC / Multi-Tos iconification is supported. To Iconify the
Top window use <ALT><CTRL><SPACE>, and to Iconify ALL windows,
IV) Message.
All these options relate to the currently active Message Window or
Area. If there are no open areas, all of the options are disabled.
a) List <CTRL><L>
This will show the Msglist Window/Dialog Box depending on which you
have chosen (See Options). It is a list of all the messages in the
current area.
A list of items will be shown ... '#:' message number, 'From:',
'To:', and 'Subject:'.
On the left side of the window/box are arrows that indicate if a
message is to or from the sysop. An inverted arrow pointing right is
to, an arrow pointing left is from the sysop.
Messages which have been deleted are shown in faded characters and
cannot be selected with the mouse. You can select them with the cursor
keys though, and once selected, if you press return, the message will
be restored and shown.
To choose a message, select it with the cursor keys or mouse, then
press return.
The following keys can be used in the Messagelist window/Dialog box :-
(Options marked * are ONLY available in the Window, NOT the dialog box)
<ESC> - Update of all flags (new/unread/to sysop)
<UNDO> - Close Window
<CLR HOME> * - Start of list
<SHIFT><CLR HOME> * - End of list
<RETURN> - Select Msg (undelete killed msg)
<CTRL><RETURN> * - Kill Msg
<cur up/cur down> - Line up/down
< <-/-> > * - Line up/down
NUM <-/+> * - Line up/down
<BACKSPACE> * - Scroll window up
<SPACE> * - Scroll window down
<SHIFT><cur up/cur down> * - Scroll window up/down
<SHIFT>< <-/-> > * - Scroll window left/right
NUM <1> - previous Msg
NUM <2> - first Comment from Original Msg
NUM <3> - next Msg
NUM <4> - previous Comment
NUM <5> - first message of this thread
NUM <6> - next Comment
NUM <8> - Original Msg
<CTRL><A> * - Change area
<CTRL><G> * - Goto Msg
<CTRL><I> * - Info about LED
<CTRL><O> * - Open another area
<CTRL><P> * - Print Message
<CTRL><Q> * - Quit LED
<CTRL><U> * - Close Window
<CTRL><W> * - Cycle through open windows
<CTRL><RETURN> - Kill current Msg
<ALT><B> * - Write to Clipboard
<ALT><C> * - Change Msg
<ALT><E> * - Execute external Program
<ALT><F> * - Find string
<ALT><G> * - Find next (string as defined in Alt F)
<ALT><J> * - Select Windows in Options menu
<ALT><N> * - Select Quotes in Options menu
<ALT><O> * - Select Switches in Options menu
<ALT><P> * - Add to user list
<ALT><S> * - Save options
<ALT><U> * - Search for a User
<ALT><Y> * - Select User Lists in Options menu
<ALT><Z> * - Execute Shell
<ALT><Fn> (F1 to F10) * - Execute Shell Fn
<ALT><8> - 8 point font
<ALT><9> - 9 point font
<ALT><0> - 10 point font
The mouse can also be used with the scroll bars as normal to scroll
through the messages.
b) Goto... <CTRL><G>
Displays a Dialog Box in which you can choose which number message
to go to. Enter the number of the message and click on OK or press
return. If you enter a number which is lower than the first message
available, you will be taken to the first available message. If you
enter a number higher than the last available message, you will be
taken to that message instead.
You can call this Dialog Box from a Message Window by pressing any
number on the keyboard number block.
c) Foreward... <CTRL><F>
Displays a Dialog box which allows you to input the name and
address of some-one who you wish to foreward the current message to.
You can search in any of the Userlists defined in the Options menu if
needed. When you have the correct name/address click on OK or press
return, and the message will be sent to the recipient next time you
export your messages.
d) Move... <CTRL><M>
With this function you can move, or copy, one or more messages into
another area.
A Dialog Box is displayed which is similar to the Arealist Dialog
Box, but has a few extra choices. At the top there are From: and To:
boxes which should have the present message number in. If you want to
move a different message, or several messages, just change the numbers
in these boxes. [ <ESC> will delete the numbers ]
At the base of the box there are two boxes :-
'Keep Copy': Normally, the message will be moved to the chosen
area and the existing message will be deleted. If
you choose this option a copy of the message will
stay in the original area.
'Foreward': The message gets a new recipient. After you choose
the new area, a Dialog Box is shown where you can
input their name, and if the message is to be sent
by Netmail, the new address as well.
e) Print <CTRL><P>
The currently displayed message will be sent to the printer. You
can choose wether to have form feed on or off, (See Options) and you
can use <CTRL><F7> to print with form feed if you normally have this
switched off.
If the printer is not on-line then a Dialog Box will be shown to
warn you.
f) Set Flag... <CTRL><K>
A Dialog box will be shown which allows you to set any of the
following Flags for the current message :-
Deleted Crash HostRoute
Kill/Sent Hold Locked
InTransit Orphan Received
Private Archive Sent ReturnReceipt
Read TruncFileSent IsReceipt
Sent KillFileSent AuditRequest
Local Direct MausMsg
WithFile Zonegate FixedAddress
g) Del Flag... <CTRL><H>
The same as Set Flag except it deletes the chosen Flags.
V) Edit.
All of these options, except enter message, relate to the current
message. Each will open an Edit Window in which you can enter/change
the contents of a message.
a) Enter Msg <CTRL><E>
Write a message in the currently selected area. the From: line will
already contain your name as entered in the configuration file.
The following keys/combinations are available in the Edit Window :-
<ESC> - Cut/Paste Line
<TAB> - Tab across line
<RETURN> - New line
<DELETE> - Delete character under cursor
<BACKSPACE> - Delete character to the left of cursor
<INSERT> - Insert/Overwrite
<CLR HOME> - Goto Top of Msg
<HELP> - Call ST Guide with the word under the cursor
<UNDO> - Undeletes the last deleted line of text.
<cur up/cur down> - Cursor up/down one line
< <-/-> > - Cursor left/right
<SHIFT><cur up/cur down> - Screen up/down one page
<SHIFT>< <-/-> > - Start/End of line
<SHIFT><CLR HOME> - Goto End of Msg
<SHIFT><ALT><W> - Hard format paragraph (until empty line)
<SHIFT><ALT><Y> - Hard delete paragraph (until empty line)
<SHIFT><DELETE> - Delete with wrapping
<CTRL>< <-/-> > - Word left/right
<CTRL><B> - Begin/end of Block
<CTRL><C> - Copy Block
<CTRL><D> - Delete Block Marks / Hide Block
<CTRL><F> - Clear Buffer
<CTRL><I> - Info about LED
<CTRL><K> - Add line to buffer
<CTRL><O> - Open another area
<CTRL><Q> - Quit LED
<CTRL><S> - Save Msg
<CTRL><U> - End Edit (Shows a Dialog Box for Abort/Save)
<CTRL><V> - Paste Block
<CTRL><W> - Cycle through open windows
<CTRL><X> - Cut Block
<CTRL><Y> - Delete one line
<CTRL><Z> - Abort Msg (Shows a Dialog Box first)
<SHIFT><CTRL><Z> - Abort Msg without Dialog box
<CTRL><DELETE> - Delete one word
<CTRL><F1> - Use Shortcut file (LED.SCT)
<CTRL><NUM><0-9> - Block Graphics
<SHIFT><NUM><0-9> - Other Block Graphics
<ALT><D> - Edit To: line
<ALT><E> - Hard format paragraph
<SHIFT><ALT><E> - Soft format paragraph
<ALT><F> - Find string
<ALT><G> - Find next (string as defined in Alt F)
<ALT><I> - Indent On/Off
<ALT><J> - Select Windows in Options menu
<ALT><K> - Select F-Keys in Options menu
<ALT><L> - Read from clipboard
<ALT><M> - Select Fonts in Options menu
<ALT><N> (NetMail Only) - Edit Address
<ALT><O> - Select Switches in Options menu
<ALT><Q> - File Request
<ALT><R> - Read ASCII text
<ALT><S> - Edit Subject
<ALT><T> - Expand Tabs
<ALT><U> - Search for a User
<ALT><V> (NetMail Only) - Edit Msg Flags
<ALT><W> - Soft format paragraph (until <cr>)
<ALT><X> - Carbon Copy message
<ALT><Y> - Undelete line
<ALT><NUM><0-9> - Enter Ascii-Code for Hi-Ascii char
<Fn> (F1 to F10) - Insert text as defined in Options F-Keys 1
to 10.
<SHIFT><Fn> - Insert text as defined in Options F-Keys 11
to 20.
Firstly, you need to enter the name of the person who the message
is to be sent to.
In Netmail if you press <RETURN> without entering any name you can
choose a name from your PrivateUserList. Use <SHIFT><cur up/cur down>
to scroll through the list and <cur up/cur down> to select the name
you want.
Press <RETURN> to select the name highlighted and the name and address
will appear on the To: field.
There are four ways to enter a name manually :-
1) Enter the initials of your recipient. Press <RETURN> and LED
will search the Userlist(s) (as defined under Options). If the
name is found a Dialog Box will be shown with the name and Node
number in. If LED finds more than one match then a Dialog box
will list the choices. Use the scroll bars to move up and down,
and the cursor keys or the mouse to select the name you want.
Click on Ok and the name and Node number will be input into the
To: field in your Msg.
Eg. "SS" will find Stephan Slabihoud and all his addresses
and also anyone else with the same initials, and their addresses.
Note the lack of space between the initials!
2) Enter an abbreviation of the first and last name of the recipient.
Ste Sla (The space is important and MUST be included)
will look for Stephan Slabihoud but also Steven Slater (if there
were both in the userlist). ONLY the first match will be shown.
Other options are :-
S S ( the first match with these initials )
S Slab ( the first match with initial S and Slab beginning
the surname)
3) Enter the last name only (minimum 3 characters) of the
recipient. The Dialog box will again be shown if there is more
than one choice.
In an EchoMail area, pressing <RETURN> will enter 'All' as the name
or else input the name manually. You can use either of the two methods
above to search for a name but the Node number will not be shown.
Simply enter the name or initials then click on the name and LED will
search the UserList(s) as in NetMail.
Secondly you need to input a Subject. Just type in whatever the
subject is to be and press <RETURN>.
Now you will be in the message editor. Type in your message and
when you have finished press <CTRL><S> to save it or use Save Msg in
the Edit menu.
Pressing <ALT> and a number on the Numberpad will allow you to
enter the ASCII value of hi-ascii characters. A Dialog box will
be shown to enter the number into. Pressing rturn will enter the
character at the current cursor position.
If you want to change the name of the person it is to be sent to,
or the Subject, click on the line with the left mouse button and a
Dialog Box will be shown for you to alter the details.
NOTE: In the Netmail area, the PRIVATE flag is automatically set.
Also in the Netmail area only, if you press <ALT><V> then you will
be able to change the Message Flags, e.g send Crash or with a file
The following flags can be set from this Dialog Box:-
Private, Crash, WithFile (File Attach), Hold, KillFileSent,
Direct, Immediate, KillSent, ArchivSent, Multiple CC (Carbon
Copy), ReturnReceipt, FixedAddress, AuditRequest.
You can abort the message at any time and it will not be saved. A
saved message will be sent the next time you export your mail and
then Poll.
If you have the text effects set (See Options) you can change the
text attributes in messages you send. You can make text bold, italic,
or underlined. To do this you must use on of the following characters
before AND after the word(s) you wish to change :-
* bold
/ italic
_ <SHIFT><-> underlined
# inverse
Any text in between these characters will be changed when you save
the message (the effect is not visible in the Edit Window). So you can
use this to change a whole line of text, but the second character must
be used or else the text will not change.
You cannot use the effects over more than one line, so if you want
two lines underlined for example, you must use the _ at the beginning
and the end of each line to be changed.
Example ....
This *is* a _sentence_
would appear with the word 'is' in bold, and the word 'sentence'
The text effects can be combined in one sentence, so putting ...
This */is a sentence/*
would appear withe the words 'is a sentence' in italics AND
b) Reply Msg <CTRL><R>
Reply to the current message on the same subject.
The address and subject of the current message are automatically
entered into your reply and the cursor is positioned in the text area.
You can choose wether to add 'Re:' to the subject line to indicate a
reply (See Options).
Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg'
c) Quote Msg <CTRL><T>
This is the same as 'Reply Msg' except you can quote the text of
the original message along with your reply.
You can choose wether to use '>' or 'XY>' in the quoted lines(See
Options), or wether to add a heading line such as :-
"In a Message of 27th March 1995 ..."
All quoted lines will be reformatted in the Edit Window. LED will
try to fill out a line as completely as possible, but the line length
can be altered. (See Options).
If the quoted message contains the Origin line of the originator,
and you have not deleted it, a Dialog box will ask you to confirm if
it is to left in or deleted before the message is saved.
Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg'
d) Quote to Netmail <CTRL><N>
This is identical to to 'Quote Msg' except the message will be
written to the Netmail area when saved. Also the recipients address is
added in the To: line (as long as the Origin is correct) and the
Private flag is set.
Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg'
e) Quote to Area <CTRL><J>
As 'Quote to Netmail' except the AreaList will be shown first for
you to choose which area the message will be written to when saved.
Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg'
f) Change Msg <CTRL><C>
A new message will be created with the contents of the current
message and you will be put into the message editor. When you save the
message the original will be deleted.
Other than this the Edit Window is the same as for 'Enter Msg'
g) Carbon Copy <ALT><X>
Only available in Netmail, this allows you to send copies to many
recipients while only having to type the message once. You will be
shown a Dialog Box where you can enter the names of whoever you wish
to send the message to, and the UserList option can be used in the
same way as for Entering a message.
You can use this at any time during editing of a Netmail.
You can make a list of names with addresses if you use this
feature often. In the above Dialog box, after entering all the
names/addresses click on Save to save the list as a CCL (Carbon
Copy List) file. The next time you need to use the same list, just
click on load and you have the same list.
It is also possible to make your own list using a Text Editor
and adding the names and addresses of those you wish to Carbon
Copy mail to. E.g
Stephan Slabihoud 90:400/410
Antony Lacey 90:102/146
(Just an example of course!)
You can now merge lists. After loading the first list, click on
load again, choose the list and then select Merge.
h) Abort Msg <CTRL><Z>
Your editing session is aborted and the edited message is not
saved. You will be returned to the message from which you entered your
editing session.
i) Save Msg <CTRL><S>
Your message will be saved as the last message in the current area,
and you will be returned to the message from which you entered your
editing session.
VI) Block.
These functions are only available when you are in an Edit Window.
a) Begin/End <CTRL><B>
The current line will be marked as Block Begin, or if one already
exists as Block End. The line number is displayed in the Status Line.
The selected block is displayed in faded text.
It is also possible to mark the block by using the mouse. To do
this, press and hold the right mouse button, click the left button to
begin the block, then the right button to end the block.
b) Del Marks <CTRL><D>
Any existing block marks will be removed. Any faded text will
revert to normal display.
c) Cut <CTRL><X>
The currently selected block will be copied to an internal buffer,
and removed from the message being edited.
d) Copy <CTRL><C>
The currently selected block will be copied to an internal buffer,
but the message being edited will not be changed.
e) Paste <CTRL><V>
The contents of the internal buffer will be placed into the message
being edited, beginning at the cursor position.
If a block has been marked, but not 'Cut' or 'Copied' then the
selected block will be copied to begin at the cursor position.
f) Indent <ALT><I>
Auto-indent is turned on/off. Auto indent allows you to set a 'left
margin'. To use the auto-indent feature, switch it on in the Edit
Window, use the <SPACE> or <TAB> key to move the cursor a few spaces
to the right, now press <RETURN>. The cursor only returns to the next
line below the current cursor position (i.e NOT to the first column).
The cursor will return to this position each time you press
<RETURN> until auto-indent is turned off.
When this is in use, the word Indent will show in the menu bar
of the edit window.
With this turned on you can now add 'quote initials' automatically.
E.g typing AL> will add this to the start of each line when Return is
pressed. Also if you edit a line with these and the line is word
wrapped, the initials will be added to the beginning of the new line
g) Ext TAB <ALT><T>
If Tabs exist, they will be replaced by the number of spaces set in
the 'Window...' option under Options.
You can use this to alter text imported as ASCII into a message.
h) <CTRL><K> Append a line of text to the buffer. You may add more
than one line to the buffer and use <CTRL><V> to paste
them all into a message.
i) <CTRL><F> Clears the buffer. Any cut/copied block or line from
<CTRL><K> will be lost.
Not very useful unless you have been using very large
VII) Options.
Here is where you set the Options you wish to use in LED. These are
saved in the LED.OPT file, then loaded in each time LED starts. If
this doesn't exist then LED uses default values.
a) Switches... <ALT><O>
i) Save always LED.OPT
Save the options into LED.OPT file every time LED quits. This
saves the window positions and sizes.
It means that if you have changed some of the Options while
using LED, they will be kept for the next time you run the
You may want to switch this off if you have had problems and now
have everything working ok.
ii) Save Dialog Positions.
Saves the positions of the Dialog Boxes when exiting LED. The
positions are saved to the LED.DLG file.
iii) Header Cache (HC)
When active, LED will load the header (.HDR) file of the current
area into memory. This increase the speed of program operations.
(HC) is displayed on the left of the Status Line in the Message
Window when Header-Cache is active.
iv) Rescue Lastreads
This will save the Lastread pointers when you exit an area,
instead of only when you exit LED. This means they are updated
to the last area even if the system crashes.
v) AreaList Window.
You can choose to have the AreaList in a window instead of it's
Dialog Box with this option. In the window the areas are listed
in one column, instead of in multiple columns as in the Dialog
vi) ...show description. (With AreaList window only)
This will show the description of the area as entered in the
-Desc flag in AREAS.BBS. If you have no description entered then
it will be left blank in the AreaList Window.
vii) ...autoclose window. (With AreaList window only)
Closes the Arealist window as soon as you have selected an area.
viii) MsgList Window.
You can choose to have the MessageList in a window instead of
it's Dialog Box with this option. In the window the areas are
listed in one column, instead of in multiple columns as in the
Dialog Box.
It is still possible to use the MessageList Dialog Box with this
option on, just use <CTRL><SHIFT><L>.
ix) ...autoclosewindow.
The MsgList Window will be closed automatically when a window
has been selected.
x) ...use Comment-Tree (With MsgList window only)
Shows the messages using the comment tree to sort the replies so
they appear with the original message. If this option is not
active then the list will appear in numerical order only.
xi) Always use ^REPLYTO
LED will use the ^REPLYTO statement in the message header with
this switch on. It will set the correct destination address in
the message and sets the correct name of the gate in the To:
line of the message.
xii) Always use ^REPLYADDR
LED uses the ^REPLYADDR statement in the message header. This
will create "To: internet destination email-address" in the
first msg line.
Note: REPLYTO sets the ADDRESS/NAME OF THE GATE in the msg
header, REPLYADDR creates the "To: address" line used for
internet addressing through the gate.
xiii) Netmail address correction.
This allows you to send a NetMail with a certain address (if you
have more than one Zone address for instance). This has been
tested with JetMail beta 11 (and higher) but may not work with
other mail tossers.
This feature will not normally be needed. If you have only ONE
address for each Zone then it will be better to leave it off.
When the 'Fixed Address' flag is set (see <ALT><V>) and this
option is active, then the current message will be sent with the
address input with the message.
NOTE: You must check yourself that the correct origin is used.
xiv) ...set 'FIXED_ADDRESS' flag
This only works if you have the above option active. It sets the
Fixed_Address flag automatically in every NetMail message. You
must make sure that you have the correct origin in the message
yourself. E.g .... if your main address is FidoNet, and you send
a Netmail to someone in NeST, you will need to change the origin
from Fido to NeST yourself, otherwise it will remain the Fido
This flag instructs the mail tosser to leave the Origin address
as it is and not to alter it.
(Only Jetmail will handle this at the moment)
Hide the MsgID and Reply/To header information. Makes the
message text clearer.
xvi) Hide ^PID/TID/EID
Hide the PID/TID/EID header information. Makes the message text
xvii) Hide other ^A lines.
Hide the ^PATH lines. This hides the routing information of the
message and makes the end of the message text clearer.
xviii) Hide SEEN_BYs
Hide the SEEN-BY information in all messages.
xix) Always extend Tabs
With this switch set, when you import any ascii text file, any
TAB characters will be automatically extended to the number of
spaces set in the 'Window...' option in the Options menu.
xx) Delete new Msg flag.
LED will delete all NewMsg Flags when it exits. When started
again there will be no '*' shown in the Arealist Window.
xxi) Add Re:
Will add Re: to the beginning of the subject line when you reply
to a message.
xxii) ...'Re^n' style
If your reply is to a message with Re: already in the subject
line, this will add 'Re^2 instead of Re: Re: ... if there is
already a number in the subject line, then this will be
incremented by 1. E.g reply to Re^4 would be Re^5 etc.
xxiii) Text Effects (/*-)
This switches the text effects on and off. These can be used
when replying to messages, and will show any existing text
effects in the current message.
xxiv) ...also on printer.
If you have the LED.PRN file you can have text effects shown when
printing the current message. This allows you to switch the
feature off if you don't wish to use it.
xxv) Use GDOS for printing
Use GDOS for printing out your messages. With this selected,
the LED.PRN file is not needed.
Charcter conversions for the printer are not supported when
using GDOS. With the option off, the printing will use the
LED.PRN file and the printer font.
xxvi) Add FormFeed
This will send a formfeed character at the end of a message
when when printing using <CTRL><P>. This option is ignored
if the above option is selcected.
xxvii) Smart Redraw
This suppresses some window redraws.
xxviii) Show 'CR'
Will show any carriage returns (new lines) in a message.
xxix) Show cursor position
This shows the position of the cursor in an Edit Window,
after the 'Indent' if that is in use. It is shown as (x/y)
where x is the row and y is the column in the window.
xxx) GEM infoline.
Some people dislike LED's own infoline in the MsgWindow, refered
to as the Status Line .
Now you can tell LED to use the original GEM-Infoline in that
window. This switch will be active when LED is restarted.
Note: When using the original GEM infoline you might not be able
to click on the msg number in the infoline to select a msg. If
so click under the msg number.
The actual msg number is displayed '*n*', where n is the
number of the present message.
xxxi) in Netmail-area.
When active, the to ae conversion will not be done, so
allowing the umlaut to be used in Netmail messages. Normally
when the key is pressed, ae is automatically substituted.
xxxii) in EchoMail-Area.
When active, the to ae conversion will not be done, so
allowing the umlaut to be used in Echomail messages. Normally
when the key is pressed, ae is automatically substituted.
xxxiii) Recognize ^CHRS (switchable with ALT+7 in MsgWindow)
Recognises the Charset kludge in messages. This allows other
character sets to be used such as French, German, Italian,
Portugese, Spanish, Swedish or Uk. Also Latin-1, IBMPC and ASCII
character sets may be converted.
xxiv) Convert MIME style
xxxv) Random Footline.
This switches the random footline (Taglines) for ALL areas
except those with the flag -NoRandomFootline in your AREAS.BBS
file. You can add random footlines to individual areas by
leaving this switch off and adding -RandomFootline to each area
you want it to be active for in AREAS.BBS.
(See Appendix A for how to use the flag).
xxxvi) Deadkeys
This allows you to use umlauts etc. in echomail messages. When
the keys are selected, then if you press that key it will not be
shown. But if the following key will allow it then it will put
the corresponding character above/below that letter.
e.g if you have the " set in Deadkeys .... when you press the "
it will not be shown, but if you then press the letter a you
will get the character.
If you press " then w you will see "w as there is no such
character as a w with an umlaut.
[Hint ... , works with c and / with o !!]
xxxvii) '' (ATARI-ST Font)
When this switch is enabled, LED uses ascii code 158 for the
'' and creates a "CHRS: ATARIST 2" kludge. Otherwise LED
uses ascii code 225 for the '' and creates a (compatible)
"CHRS: IBMPC 2" kludge.
This switch should normally be DISABLED.
b) Window... <ALT><J>
A Dialog box will be shown with the following options:-
i) Maximum Window Columns
Here you can set how many columns you use in a Message Window.
Any change will only take effect when the window is redrawn or
ii) Maximum Edit Columns
Here you can set how many columns you use in a Edit Window. As
with the Message Window, any change will only show when the
window is redrawn or changed.
iii) Edit-Window Tabsize.
Set the number of spaces you want a TAB character to be replaced
with. You can choose between 1 & 9. Useful for when ASCII
text is imported into your message.
c) Quote... <ALT><N>
A dialog box will open to let you choose how your replies will look.
i) Prefix:
You can choose how the quoted message will be shown, with just a
'>' at the beginning of each line, or with 'XY>', where XY is replaced
with the initials of the sender.
ii) Topline:
When quoting messages, you can get LED to add a line to the
beginning of the message automatically.
Here you choose what language this will be in, English, German,
detect which, or none at all if you don't want to use this feature.
On the right hand side are options you can use to add names etc. to
this line. So if you wish to use the senders name in the top line of
your reply you can put '%f %F' ( as the original was from them) on the
text line and LED will replace this with the correct name each time it
uses this line.
You can use the following options:
%f Sender's first name
%F Sender's last name
%a Sender's address
%t Recipient's first name (recipient of ORIGINAL message)
%T Recipients last name
%o Sender's complete name
%O Recipients complete name
%d Date in format 14 Apr 95
%D Date in format 14.04.95
%v Version number of LED
%z Time 21:13:45
%a Area e.g N.SUP.LED (of the ORIGINAL message)
%s Subject
%n Text of Function Key n (as defined in Options menu), e.g %1 =
text of F1. n may be any number from 1 to 20.
%v The version number of LED
%i Will use any nickname defined in LED.NIC instead of %f
(i.e the first name will be shown instead of %f)
%I Will use any nickname defined in LED.NIC instead of %t
(i.e the first name will be shown instead of %t)
iii) Set cursor:
This will place the cursor on the first line of the quoted part of
the original message.. Without this set, the cursor will be placed at
the beginning of the topline of the message. Not very useful unless
you want to change your Topline all the time.
iv) Free Editable:
Instead of using the text in the Topline box, you can use your own
text as entered in the lines at the bottom of the Dialog Box.
v) No Topline in Netmail:
This will suppress the Topline when quoting in the Netmail area.
vi) No compression:
This will prevent LED from removing spaces in Quoted lines .. e.g
If the original message contains the following lines:
This is an example
^^^^^^^ (This line is the one that is affected)
Normal Quoting would show this:
XY> This is an example
XY> ^^^^^^^
(Note it is not underneath the word 'example', but shifted to the left).
With the No Compression feature turned on it will look like this:
XY> This is an example
XY> ^^^^^^^ (it is now positioned correctly).
1.Line: Native / 2.Line: Native to area:
Here you can define the text used when quoting to messages in your
native language. This is active when the Topline option 'In einer
Nachrict...' is selected.
The second line is different text used for when quoting to another
area, or to Netmail. At present it only works when quoting from an
EchoMail area, not from Netmail, from Netmail line 1 is used.
There are 2 seperate lines to allow the use of the original area
name to be added when quoting to other areas. Of course you would not
want this in all messages.
2.Line: English / 2.Line: English to area:
The same as above only these are used when the 'In a message...'
Topline option is set. Makes it easier to quote in Echomail areas that
accept English only. (If you don't normally speak English that is!)
d) Comment...
This opens an additional Dialog Box that allows you to choose the
following options.
i) Show Comment link in info Line. ( also <ALT><3> will switch this)
Turns the comment tree information on and off. If it is on
then the information will be shown in the Status Line at the
top of a Message Window. The comment tree shows if the
current message is linked to any others.
ii) NumPad keys in comment tree mode.
Allows you to use the keys on the number pad to follow the
comment tree. The following keys are available in this
<1> - previous Msg
<2> - first Comment from Original Msg
<3> - next Msg
<4> - previous Comment
<5> - first message in this thread
<6> - next Comment
<8> - Original Msg
iii) Comment tree uses Mailer [0 - 3]
This allows LED to use the comment tree information from
the Mailer fields in the Msg header (i.e not the Qbbs
fields). This must be used when you are using a 'new' mail
tosser such as IOSMail or JetMail.
iv) Complete messagebase scan
This will ensure the Comment Tree is constructed properly
even when a reply is found before the Original message.
This will make LED run slower and shouldn't normally need
to be used.
e) Userlist... <ALT><Y>
This will open a Dialog Box which will allow you to choose up
to six userlists to search for names etc. You may have your own list
(usually PRVTUSER.LST) with frequently used names/addresses in and you
may also use a list generated by a nodelist complier (e.g FIDOUSER.LST
from BTNC).
Double click on a line with the mouse and the fileselector
will allow you to chose the list(s) you require.
The format for your private list is as follows ....
Slabihoud, Stephan 90:400/410
Lacey, Antony 100:1011/19
Areafix 90:102/140
f) Fonts... <ALT><M>.
A Dialog Box will open which allows you to choose the font and
point size for each seperate type of Window. If GDOS is active a small
piece of text will show this.
To change the font click on the box on the right of the font
name. Any fonts which are available will be shown and the font that is
used will be the one currently selected. Clicking on the font name will
change back to the system font.
Use the same method to choose the font size with the small box
to the right of the point size numbers.
There are three other choices that can be made.
i) Quote: Normal or thick.
This allows you to choose wether quoted parts of the message
appear in normal or bold text.
ii) Block: Reverse or Highlighted.
This changes the appearence of any chosen block. Reverse
is white text on a black background, highlighted greys out
the selected text.
iii) Only Monospaced Fonts.
LED will only display monospaced fonts!
g) F-Keys... <ALT><K>.
A Dialog box will open and allow you to enter text to assign
to each Function Key. You may enter up to 20 key assignments.
The Dialog box also shows you the options you may use to
include names etc. in the text. If the text including these options
exceeds the length of one line in the Edit Window, it will be wrapped
onto the next line.
If you wish to include carriage returns in your F-Keys, simply
use <CONTROL><M> and this will insert a new line command.
IMPORTANT: If you don't want to lose your clever effects, use
SAVE! This will save the contents of the Function Keys to the file
LED.FKY so you may use them every time you load LED.
h) Save <ALT><S>.
This will save all your chosen options in the file LED.OPT.
VIII) Extras.
a) Msg-Header... <SHIFT><ALT><H>
This opens a Dialog Box which shows you some information about
the message header. It also allows you to change the header
information and write it back to the .HDR file if you require.
b) ...flags <ALT><H>
This will show a Dialog Box with the Flags for the current
message in the Msg-Window. You may change any of the Flags and write
the changes to the .HDR file. For an explanation of the Flags see
Appendix B at the end of this manual.
c) ...special flags
This can be used to show the 'Processed' flags for the
current message.
d) File Request... <ALT><Q>
You can use LED to generate file requests. A Dialog Box will
open allowing you to enter the node from which you want the file from.
Also the name of the file and any password you may need.
There are a further two options to select which files are
generated and where they are put.
Create Dummy Flowfile. If this is selected, a 0 byte .OFT file
will be generated as well as the .ORT file with the file request in.
Select Domain. If you have more than one Domain that you
collect mail from, you can use this to ensure the file request is put
into the appropriate Outbound folder. If the folder does not exist
then a Dialog Box will be shown to tell you and the file request will
not be generated.
Click on Make File to generate the files necessary for the
Use this to add the name in the From: field of the existing
message to your Private User list. You can add any address to this
file (point addresses, areafix/filefix etc.).
f) Find in USERLIST <ALT><U>
If you need to find the address of someone while in a message,
use this option to search the userlists as defined in the Options
menu. Enter the required name or abbreviations and click on Userlist
(or use <ALT><U> the userlist is searched. When you have finished
click on Ok or press return to go back to the Window you were in.
This feature may be used from any Window, including the
MsgList and Arealist windows.
If you are in the Edit Window, if you press return / click on
OK when the name and address are found, they will be entered into the
message at the current cursor position.
g) Find String... <ALT><F>
This allows you to search for a text string in the current
message area. You can specify wether to search in the To:, From:,
Subject fields or in the message text for a string.
Three options are also available in the options at the base of
the Dialog Box:
This will search backwards in the specified area. Once an area has
been searched forwards to the end, this option will automatically be
selected for the next search.
Inside Current Message:
The search will only be made in the currently selected message.
Use Allquantor (*):
You may use the * as a wildcard for the search. E.g in the To:
field, putting Ste* will find Stephen, Steve, Steven and Stephan. You
may also search using the following method ... St*en ... will search
for the same as above.
If you use this the search will be noticeably slower.
h) Find Same <ALT><G>
Search for the same string as selected in Find String.
IX) Help.
a) Msg Window
This shows a list of all the keys available in the Message
Window. There are two screens of keys for this window. Click on NEXT
to get to the second screen.
b) Edit Window.
This shows a list of all the keys available in the Edit Window.
c) Dialogs.
This shows a list of all the keys available in the Dialog
Boxes. (Messagelist and Arealist)
d) Comment Tree.
This shows a list of all the keys available in the Comment Tree.
e) Shortcut <CTRL><F1>
This is a list of text that can be used in the Edit Window to
insert frequently used text. It is called LED.SCT
Any text may be included on each line, there is no set
pattern. It can be used in the To: and subj: line of a message as
well as the message text, so can be used for long names (e.g
internet addresses) as well as for riles.
A short example is shown here ...
AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
AFK Away From Keyboard
Antony ... the All At Sea Sysop
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
-lots of text, C:\TEXT\LOADSA.TXT
%d %D
If you want to add coments to your text, adding the | character will
stop the rest of the line being quoted ... e.g.
AFAIC | As Far As I'm Concerned
.. would only add AFAIC to your message. The rest will be ignored.
A maximum of 1024 characters is allowed on each line.
You may also use ascii text files with the following format:
-My footer, F:\TEXT\FOOTER.TXT
on it's own line will use the text of the file Footer.Txt.
The - is necessary to let LED know this is a file, otherwise the
line will be input as it is typed! The text after the - is purely
for your own reference and may be left out if desired, e.g
will do the same as the example above.
You can also use the '%' parameters from the Options .. Quote
menu now .... in the above example %d %D would enter:
20 SEP 96 18:42:50 (todays date and the time).
e) System Report
If you are having problems with LED and need to contact the
Author, you can now generate a Report which may help him locate
the problem a bit quicker.
Once you click on this, the fileselector will appear so you can
choose where the file (default name is REPORT.LED) is to be
written. Then you can send it directly, or include it in a Netmail
to him.
Appendix A AREAS.BBS
Important: The NETMAIL area must be the first area in AREAS.BBS.
LED takes the first area to be Netmail.
(AutoAddAreas in IOSMail 0.89 sometimes changes the order of
AREAS.BBS and puts it at the end of the file)
The following is a list of AREAS.BBS flags that LED can use.
Converts some characters from the Latin-1 font into the normal
System Font.
-Desc e.g -Desc LED Support (for N.SUP.LED)
Gives the description of a message area as used in MsgList Window
LED will set the correct address for this area. The 'Fixed Address'
flag will be set automatically.
-FollowUp <areaname>
Msgs in this area will be quoted in <areaname>. Only "Quote
msg" and "Reply msg" use this statement, NOT "Edit msg".
-FootlineFile <file>
LED creates a random footline for that area taken from <file>
This must be the path and name of the file, and it must be the same
format as LED.FLN. (See appendix E for the file format)
LED will automatically set the Private flag in echomail
LED ignores the NewMsg Flag so it shows no '*' for this area in the
Arealist window.
LED ignores the Unread Flag so it shows no '/' for this area in the
Arealist window.
Area is invisible. Similar to PassThrough.
Area is a MausNet area.
LED creates no random footline for that area.
LED does not show messages in this area. The message area is for
another system. This can replace the DAREAS.BBS, but use that file if
your mail tosser supports it.
Adds the free editable topline in English.
Adds the topline "In a Msg from ... "
Adds the topline "In einer Nachricht ..."
Adds the free editable topline in your own language.
No topline when quoting for this area.
{These QUOTE_ flags over ride the choices set in the Options, Quote
menu for this particular area only}.
-RandomFootline <file>
LED creates a random footline for that area taken from LED.FLN. If
you add a filename in the optional <file> parameter, the footline will
be taken from that file instead of LED.FLN. So you may have seperate
Footlines for each area.
LED does not generate a topline in this area.
-Topline <text>
Instead of the "normal" topline for this area, LED uses this
topline. '|' is used for a <cr>.
Example: -Topline On %d %31 (%a) wrote to %33:||Hi %i,|
Allows the umlaut to be used in messages in this area. If this is
not used will be replaced by ae, by oe etc.
Comment-Tree is always activated for this area.
Comment-Tree is always deactivated for this area.
May be used with -Passthrough. Makes the message area visible again
in LED.
Appendix B Message Flags
This is a list of Message Flags and their meanings.
N means allowed in Netmail
E means allowed in EchoMail
L means only allowed in Local Mail
Private NE This message is Private and can only be seen by the
sender and Recipient.
Sent NEL Message has been exported by the Mail Tosser.
Read NE Message has been read. (Shouldn't this be
Local NE Message was written on this system (i.e not
Deleted NE Message has been marked as deleted (normally only
the mail tosser will actually delete it).
Crash NL Message will be crashed (i.e not routed through
other systems) to the recipient.
Hold NL Message will be 'on hold'. The recipient must call
this system to collect this message.
Direct NL Message will be sent direct to the Recipient (very
much like crash).
Immediate NL Again similar to crash.
ArchivSent NEL Message will be moved to the Archive area after
being exported by the Mail Tosser.
Kill/Sent NL Message will be deleted after being exported.
Orphan N The Mail Tosser has no routing information for this
InTransit N Message is being routed to another system and is not
intended for this system.
Received NE The message has been received by the recipient.
HostRoute NL Send Netmail through the Host/Hub of the recipient.
ZoneGate NL Send Netmail through the ZoneGate.
ReturnReceipt N The recipient is to send a Return Receipt.
IsReceipt N Message is the return receipt.
AuditRequest N Every system that routes this Netmail is to send a
Return Receipt.
Locked NE Message is locked. It will not be exported or
Fixed Address NEL The Origin address will not be changed by the Mail
Gated NE Message has been locally gated.
With/File N Message has a File attached to be routed with it.
Note: some systems will not route attached files.
TruncFileSent NL The file will be truncated to 0 bytes after it has
been exported. i.e it is NOT deleted.
KillFileSent NL The file will be deleted when sent.
CreateFlowFile N A flow file is created from the message text.
FileRequest N The message is a file request. The filenames are
contained in the subject line seperated by spaces.
MausMsg. This shows a number of extra flags that are for use
in MausNet. They are included so that when Mail
Tossers can deal with MausNet mail they may be used.
Appendix C LED Configuration file
To enable LED to be used in a seperate directory (without using an
environment variable) you can use a file called LED.CFG to specify the
paths etc. for LED to use.
The following statements are needed.
Statement | Example
SYSOP name | SYSOP Antony Lacey
This must be the same as used for the registration Key.
ADDRESS address [fakenet] | ADDRESS 90:102/146.0@nest.ftn
This must be the same as used for the registration Key.
Needed if you want LED.LOG in any directory other than LED directory.
The path and file name, but without the .HDR / .MSG extension.
This should be the Outbound path used by the Mail Tosser as the File
Requests files will be put here.
If you want to use an external shell from within LED this statement
defines the path and name of the program you want to use.
The following files are Optional:
This is similar to the Environment setting and points to the directory
where AREAS.BBS is kept.
This is for use with Binkley 3.18 or above and allows the use of
base 36 folder names. The feature is available for Registered
users only.
CallExporter x
When used, this will tell Avalon (3.77 or above) or Semper to
start the mail exporter when LED quits.
Replace x with 0 for Avalon, and 1 for Semper.
AKASYSOP name | AKASYSOP Antony Lacey {EM}
( To use this option in Binkley.CFG use APPLICATION AKASYSOP e.g
Can be used to define an alternative Sysop name. It MUST be defined
AFTER the Sysop statement. Up to four names may be used, but they must
begin with the name as defined in the Sysop statement. i.e the above
would be accepted but Antony Jones would not be accepted.
Normally used to distinguish between messages posted by the Sysop or
posted in an alternative position e.g Echo Moderator
The alternative names can be selected by using <CTRL><F5> in the
MessageList window.
AREASPpath | Path to your AREAS.BBS file
LEDNEWpath | Path to your LED.NEW file
Nodelist <path> | path to nodelist
BTNC | defines BTNC nodelist
Appendix D Function Key Macros
Attention! For experts only! (You have been warned!!)
It is possible to use macros assigned to the function keys. This is
not(!) trivial, so be careful about using it!
A macro that is only allowed in the EditWindow can be defined as
follows: %[keylist]
and when it is only allowed in the MsgWindow: &[keylist]
macros for both windows can be defined with: $[keylist]
"Keylist" is a list in the following format: SSAAK
K =Status (1=RShift,2=LShift,4=Ctrl,8=Alt)
You must use that format exactly! The codes (in hex) are seperated
with commas.
NOTE: LED may crash if you make a mistake using this feature!!
NOTE: his feature does not allow <ALT><Key> combinations to be used.
Here are two small examples:
e.g. for F1: %[21064,30024,2d184,21064].
will do the same as pressing Keys: <CTRL><F> <CTRL><B> <CTRL><X> and
<CTRL><F> again ... and will erase the text from the cursor to the end
of the message.
and for F2: &[1e014,47000,1c0d0]
will do the same as pressing Keys: <CTRL><A> <HOME> <RETURN> and will
select the first area (Netmail area).
Appendix E Footline File (LED.FLN)
This file contains the Random Footlines if you use the
-RandomFootline switch in LED. This is normally named LED.FLN but
you may use other files for use in different areas if you use the
-Footline switch in AREAS.BBS.
The file is plain ASCII and uses the following format:-
NOTE: The FIRST line of the file will be placed in front of the
footline and can be empty.
UFP Starfleet Command: End Transmission|
I know the depths I reach are limitless|
The christmas spirit is not something to drink|
; Long lines can be used, the next five lines would normally be all
; on one line, I just had to wrap them to fit in the manual!
"Sehr sonderbare Leute, diese Physiker. Nach meiner Erfahrung sind |die,
die nicht tot sind, irgendwie sehr krank"| Douglas Adams 'Der lange
dunkle Fuenfuhrtee...' S.105|"Very strange people these physicists. In
my experience, those who |are not yet dead are, somehow, quite ill."|
Douglas Adams|
(These are taken from the LED.FLN file as an example).
The maximum length for each Footline is 1024 characters!! The '|'
character denotes a carriage return, helps to keep long Footlines
looking neat!
Lines can be commented out using a ';' character if you want to
comment your file.
You can also use the '%' parameters as in the Options Quote menu,
e.g %o will insert the full name of the sender of the message.
Appendix F Nickname file (LED.NIC)
You can define about 100 nicknames. To use the feature, simple
create a file called LED.NIC in LED's system folder. Here is a
short example:
;sample LED.NIC
Kev,Kevin Osborne
Slabbi,Stephan Slabihoud
algy,Antony Lacey
nic1,Joe Bloggs,N.ST.MISC
nic2,Joe Bloggs,N.MISC.COMMON
The format is <nickname>,<fullname>[,<area>]. The comma tells LED that the
nickname is ended, thereby allowing nicknames of two words or
The <area> is optional, and will use the nickname only in the area
indicated. Using this it is possible to have different nicknames
in different areas. In teh above, Joe Blogg's nickname will be
nic1 in N.ST.MISC and nic2 in N.MISC.COMMON.
And comments can be added by staring the line with a semi-colon.
You can use the nicknames with a '%'-parameter. '%i' may be used
instead of '%f' but uses the nickname instead of the first name
(when the nickname is defined) and '%I' conforms with '%t'.
----- End of the Manual ------